Historical Signs Popping Up Across Central New Jersey

Pannier has helped historical societies preserve and communicate their compelling stories for over four decades. In 2020, the Rev War Alliance of Burlington County worked with Pannier to create historical signs to tell the story of the American Revolution. The signage was installed in significant locations around the county and positively received by the community and beyond. 

Interactive Exhibits for Freshwater Wetland Discovery Trail

Together with the University of Georgia Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant, Pannier Graphics has had the pleasure of creating over 50 unique and educational interpretive exhibits for Georgia’s coastline since 2018. This year, a series of seven interpretive signs, including three interactive exhibits, were installed to introduce K-5 students to the wonders of the region’s freshwater wetland ecology.

New StoryWalk® Exhibits for Tomahawk School District

Paula Norman, a librarian in the Tomahawk School District, installed twenty new StoryWalk® Exhibits this month. The Herb Kohl Foundation honored her leadership and innovative teaching this year with a grant, and Paula used that grant to continue giving to her community in a big way. These StoryWalk® Exhibits were installed at the elementary school playground where children can enjoy them during recess, and families can use them all year long.

Historical Signs Illustrate Tilghman Watermen’s New Exhibits

This month Tilghman Watermen’s Museum celebrated the installation of three new outdoor exhibits detailing aspects of the history of the local seafood trade. As a part of the exhibits, Tilghman had historical signs created by Pannier Graphics. The outdoor exhibits display a pilot house from the schooner Arabelle, a wooden mast and boom, and a discarded clamrig reclaimed for the exhibit, all pieces of the Watermen’s trade. The Double Pedestal signs are displayed next to the equipment explaining their use and importance.

Low-Maintenance Trail Sign for Rail-Trail

The Rail-Trail Council of Northeast Pennsylvania is working to create and improve a 38-mile trail, which was the former Delaware & Hudson Railroad. The Council seeks to provide a glimpse of the history of the railroad through signage alongside the trail. Last year, they installed a Frameless Cantilevered sign at Ararat Summit, the current trailhead and highest elevation point of the trail. The low-maintenance trail sign depicts a railway bridge that once ran through the forested landscape.

Custom Trailhead Signs for Buckeye Trail

The North Country Trail is the longest trail in the National Trails System. It stretches 4,700 miles across eight states. These two unique trailhead signs are positioned at strategic points along the combined North Country and Buckeye Trail in the beautiful city of Defiance, Ohio. This trailhead sign project is a combined effort of the City of Defiance and Defiance County to showcase the community as a Trail Town.

Wayfinding Signs Engage Visitors at University Gardens

The Calvin Ecosystem Preserve & Native Gardens is a 100+ acre urban preserve and native plant demonstration garden on the campus of Calvin University in the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Created in 2018 to showcase the beauty and diversity of native plants, this botanical garden is a living field guide containing more than 200 species of plants found in Michigan. To enable the sharing of information, staff and volunteers at the preserve worked with Pannier to produce wayfinding signs.

Garden Signage Promotes Coastal Landscapes Initiative

New Hanover County Public Library, in cooperation with the New Hanover County Arboretum, NC Cooperative Extension, and North Carolina Sea Grant, installed demonstration gardens to showcase Coastal Landscapes Initiative (CLI) native plant designs. The Coastal Landscapes Initiative is a new collaborative effort to address landscaping at every stage of the process, from planning and design to installation and management. The addition of educational garden signage lets library patrons and others in the community know how they, too, can create landscaping with native plants that are environmentally friendly, low-maintenance, and beautiful.

Informational Signage Educates California’s Central Coast

The Central Coast Wetland Group (CCWG), located along the Central Coast of California, has been implementing wetland restoration projects within the lower Salinas Valley since 1998. The surrounding community seldom has an opportunity to learn about what, why, and how the CCWG accomplishes these impactful projects. The installed informational signage highlights each project’s importance in improving habitat and water quality within the greater watershed.